Tuesday, August 5, 2008

30 July 2008: Sequel to Kiki Hu Ling’s birthday party

lanmei’s Sina blog entry (simplified Chinese): http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3d13ad490100a4r2.html
In this company, the artistes and the fans (and sometimes even the staff) share jokes!

Part 1: Kiki Hu Ling’s blog entry on her birthday party: http://much-a-do-about.blogspot.com/2008/07/hu-lings-account-for-her-birthday.html

lanmei was saying that she heard about this particular performance from Hu Ling’s fan club i/c. On youyou where everybody’s (A-do, JJ, Kym Jin Sha, Hu Ling, Rynn Lim Yee Chung and the other OB artistes) discussion boards are, we post news about each other’s favourite stars if we happen to see anything. Some friends from JJFC came to show support for A-do at his Singapore autograph session in January, and even filmed a few videos. Most of us say “海蝶一家亲Hai Die yi jia qin” (OB is one family) and I hope it will be this way for a long time to come.

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